

Space and Times
Lightbody Alchemy
The Phoenix and The Dragon
Dharma Dao
The Greater Good
Archives V - O.MEN

If one picture is a thousand words, then the eyes must see what pleases the ears.

Photo Credit: Tomasz Gudzowaty, Robert Boguslawski

I don't act, nor do I talk ... however ...

Several people want to be known, only a few of 
them need to be thought of; fewer still desire to 
be understood.

Of who do I speak?

Who is the old Chinese man that stands on the air 
above the buildings at the corner of Edinborough 
and Essex?  Did anyone else see him?


My mother is immortal.  Speaking of immortal ... a photo of me from 1865 while living in Brazil.

Time is a Lie.

"You, O man, are without excuse, every one of you who passes judgment.
For by the standard by which you judge another you condemn yourself,
since you, the judge, do the very same things."
-Romans 2:1


The Hawk and The Lobster Star in "Scary Basically"

Hawk: Yo, Good.

Lobster: 'Sup, YHVH?

Hawk: Worldpeace. What is the happenings?

Lobster: Know thing, where can I go to stream new hiphop singles?

Hawk: is hot, also Sandboxautomatic is hot too it does not have full cuts though, just snippets. Tricko has full tracks, it is all RealAudiolicious though so it is fairly bogus, as bogus as radio I guess.

Lobster: I am looking for new shit though ... commercial shit.

Hawk: Eh, all I know is good music.

Lobster: You do not know jack.

Hawk: Heh, Just Ice punk ... Whattup with Morpheus styles?

Lobster: I am lacking in space.

Hawk: Scratch that yo. Howza 'bout as opposed to WTF who thinks up these domain names? Real seems to be the cliché let us make fraudelence the new fad. Although fads fade, I am an ardent beLIEver in the notion that purposeful fraudelence is the mark of genius.

Lobster: "Being a fraud is being a genius," Benny you constantly reach new lows.

Hawk: Like, imagine a whack scratch, right? An absolutely bogus cut done by some toy DJ. Then imagine that EXACT same whack scratch EXACTLY replicated by somebody like yourself, myself, DJ QBert, whomever. THAT is genius. "'Being a fraud is being a genius', Benny you constantly reach new lows." [laughs] Dar, you understand what the Earth I'ma talking'a about'a AH!

Lobster: If something that is bogus is replicated, well what is it? ... Bogus and still; wack, no matter who does it.

Hawk: Absolute genius, especially if it is done on purpose; what do you call physical comedy? Let me give an example to solidify my notion... Ground this in some reality that even you can appreciate... Picture this... If you will.....

Ex. A) Some dumb ass acts like a complete moron.
Ex. B) Jim Carrey.

Lobster: Okay ... besides the point. Jim Carrey is sometimes funny and not wack.

Hawk: What!? That was a beautiful portrait of genius from calculated nonsense! ... Oh now we are onto particulars and definitions. Jim Carrey gets paid to act whack - THAT is genius.

Lobster: Dumb and dumber is all I gotta' say.

Hawk: But it is not even the getting paid part man. Unfortunately cash is the barometer of success. Dumb and Dumber is hot and I particularly like the double pronged presence of your retorts.

Lobster: Ghandi was not rich, yet was he succesful, as far as his impact on the world? ... I would say yes, he got his message across.

Hawk: The meanings just reveal themselves. That is the hottest, next to the ability to control coincidence, is the ability to say words and have all these other connections, that one might not have directly intended, manifest themselves from the ether. Ghandi was the fucking man, he was also waging a psychological war based on principle against Big Government, right? ... Nah scratch that... Ghandi was the God.

Lobster: You are rambling again ... again you are seen to shy away from your original argument.

Hawk: Except, Dude ... you know that success stems from YOU.

Lobster: Duh.

Hawk: This is true, so why does one acknowledge the existence of failure at all?

Lobster: Because others do

Hawk: Heh, "Follow that herd!" [pointing] If 'others' went and had a romantic evening with Jabba the Hutt, would you?

Lobster: Exactly. The real question: why does one acknowledge what others do?

Hawk: Because of the false sense of security that comes from being one straw among many in the stack. We must be needles. So when the hands of God reach in and start burning or feeding the hay to the horses, we survive.

Lobster: Good analogy

Hawk: What of the now, this right hear, do we, as men, listen at all?

Lobster: Well we, like the Nazi's, must segregate what penetrates our mind.

Hawk: I was about to make a Nazi analogy earlier but hesitated.

Lobster: Do you the Jews want to be annihilated!

Hawk: I know that belief is a lie, however I KNOW that our Moods, as men, are more important than our minds. I don't think so. And then again there are things we aren't privvy to concerning the motives behind such behavior, the things that went on then concerning the Jewish people continue today, it's a big game of chess. From my perspective the Jewish people acknowledge a Single all understanding all feeling G-d, they also know that "as below so above"

Lobster: They also want to be annihialated in order to be persecuted and therefore revived.

Hawk: Basically that we are all incarnations of the Godhead. Such is the hindu belief of the Brahman being every person at all possible moments everywhere. I acknowledge that the attempted annhilation of the Jewish people under Hitler and Stalin was a roadsign pointing to an even larger recognition, right?


Hawk: Because they acknowledge that religion is nothing more than business. There must be some purpose behind such atrocity. The irony that kills me is that in the eye of God that devestation was but a blip on the radar. What about the Dinosaurs man! Who's to say the amazing communications they were capable of and the civilizations that they built. We write them off as mindless beasts and yet even dolphins are documented linguists. The entire dinosaur population was either destroyed or forced to evolve under extremely hairy circumstances. ..... They became birds and fish.

Lobster: I am notifying the authorities.

Hawk: NOOOOOOOO! The homosapien takes such a fricking pretentious disposition when it comes to us possibly being inferior than something else, we must track the root of the ego if we are to fully understand this. However the real irony is that we represent the cutting edge of the development of this universe and this solar system. We are the understanding.

Lobster: Ahh dude I böged.

Hawk: Where is the freedom? All that came before must exist now, just more complexified and infinitely more developed. Everything that was is right now evolving, until we reach ... The Precipice. It is either another ice age, which is almost indefinite, or nuclear annhilation, either way we transcend the monkeybody and rejoin the infinite! All are in awe of Allah god we know this.

Lobster: Up.

Hawk: Say it and it becomes so. I do not think you fucked up, I acknowledge you do good.

Lobster: I sent all that anti-senite shit to the authorities by accident!!

Sensimus: Anti-Senate! Fuck Yah!

Lobster: Semite. ... Dude that could be serious.

Sensimus: Scratch tha effing Senate, they are a bunch of fat cat grosseros. I do not think so man, all right? Time Warner is not Jewish and the Mossad does not run dispatch. Look at sometime. To destroy corporate we must become corporate. This is the plan: We start a newsletter, something humble, we title it "The Now" we include articles, builds, relating to what we talk about...
The magazine takes off, we couple guaranteed victory with music reviews, knowledgeable articles and thought provoking notions that eventually supercedes everything and become the new Rolling Stone, only we retain our dignity and never sell our vision of a world perfect in every way ever! how does that sound, all right?

Lobster: Great.

Hawk: You Fucker. I am going to build with Diablo and Snake and do my best to muster their potentials. I acknowledge I have been doing that inadvertently to many. Soon it will all come to fruition and then after that it will be difficult and that difficulty will in it's turn further future fruition. I love this cycle man, but I am with you. Let us try and reach buddhahood while we are still in these forms. I am not trying to reincarnate and go through all of the bogusness of physical impermanence again, Duder. Oh snazzy, I did not think you were still paying any attention to me. Heh, just kidding. But on the real get at me and we will make the good concepts reality and we will acknowledge the intensity of the bad ones in order to make them all good, Lobster!

Lobster: Great.

Hawk: Okay, It sound all right to your mind? How incredible is it to concieve that we just acknowledge and that our moods are incapable of thought? How liberating is that, don't Hindus call it Moksha? Imagine what is happening in Moscow right now! The Earth is manageable! Like really: try to picture the surface of a cobblestone in Redsquare right now. What should the titles of the books we write be called you Righteous bastard all eye looking naught seeing? (I deteriorate into incoherence to alleviate the nonsense.)

Lobster: Interactive Sex featuring Jabba the Hutt.

Hawk: All of this understanding, or feeling that we are experiencing as of late is karma working itself out, we are approaching the eschaton you know! Christians call it Armageddon, Vikings called Ragnarok, Islam refers to it as The Splitting. Extremely weird biblical undertones to the world in which we are currently incarnated, Have not even know fear, but be afraid of fear! You already know all of this though! "Interactive Sex featuring Jabba the Hutt" ... rubbish. The title of the last Surrah is Men! God is woman. Earth is man. However The Force, The Tao, the Singulon is many Men and Women, not one. 'It' exists within us all yet 'it' cannot be made manifest without the will of many of us! 'It' is love. This is how skyscrapers are built and space shuttles are launched! We are the cutting edge of technology man, and this thing we call language is the disease which binds us. Soon communication will be completely telepathic I know this is truth. You think of none of this though.

Lobster: Sure, I God to go. Bye!

Hawk: Goodbless, all right?

[The Lobster walks off]

Teachings Page 2