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Here are some pictures from a recent vacation I took.


Date: Sat, 04 Oct 2003 19:25:52 -0000
From: "zyzygyz" <>
Subject: Re: World War II and 2006 - 2012 Revisted

McKenna referred to the zero date as a 'temporal singularity' where the entire history of the universe will happen in the last few milliseconds, sort of like a reverse Big Bang. I find it hard to agree with that, but there could be a localized singularity. But yes, basically the Novelty Theory says that history is repeating itself in ever-decreasing increments. And the Law of Accelerating Returns is saying that accelerating change is a natural law, ie, it was already underway before H. sapiens arrived on the scene. Life first appeared on earth about 3.8 billion years ago, the 'Cambrian Explosion' occurred about 600 million years ago, dinosaurs were dominant for 150 million years, mammals have been dominant for 65 million years, hominids for about 4.5 million, H. habilis/ergaster for about 1 million, H. sapiens for about 100,000, agriculture 10,000 years, modern era 100 years (we have experienced more changed in the past century than we have in our entire history). I just hit the jackpot - a timeline that says it all"

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Time is a Lie.

Be to us easy of approach, even as a father to his son:  Agni, be with us for our weal.
-Rig Veda, Hymn 1 Verse 9
Some recluses and brahmins, so called,
Are deeply attached to their own views;
People who only see one side of things
Engage in quarrels and disputes.

Udana VI, 4


Time as it is taught to us and as we know it is a lie.  All that happened before, and all that will happen, happens now.  All moments occur at this moment, it is merely your vibration that distinguishes and presents the illusion of difference.
Space is singular.  There are multiple times.  To be precise there are nine times.  Each of the nine times in understanding of the other.  IF we can see and recognize each of these nine when they occur, and do precisely the proper thing at each of those specified times, we acquire that which we need to evolve past this dimension.
There is one technique, there is one thing that can be done at each of these nine times to lift oneself above them, and this is to look to the light.  Imagine a comfortable bright light all around oneself forever.  The light does not blind rather it soothes.  Kabbalists call it Ein Sof.  Near Death experiencers refer to this light in their stories.  Yogis refer to a golden light energy called prana which is the basic component which allows for all existence.  There is a Taoist sect of sages called Breatharians who actually survive entirely off this light.  They don't drink, they don't eat.  They breathe this prana into their beings.  I group the breatharians as ascetics, however, from what I hear they aren't necessarily skeletal as one might imagine.
Anyway which way The Entire Reality is this, and anything else you can imagine, given this undying light.
